Workshops on software

Our "sister Data Lab" at SUND, Center for Health Data Science (HeaDS), organizes courses on R and Python with room for a small number of participants from SCIENCE. More info at the website for HeaDS.

PhD Courses

The PhD courses are aimed at PhD students from all departments at SCIENCE, UCPH. The focus is to learn to apply Statistics and Machine Learning on a wide variety of data. Post Docs, Master's thesis students, and PhDs from outside SCIENCE may participate, if space permits. 


  • Machine Learning for SCIENCE (MLS, 4 ECTS) is a PhD course where the students are introduced to machine learning methods that they could apply in their own research field.  
  • Data types include images, physical measurements, questionnaires, scans, Internet searches, and biochemical outcomes.
  • Methods include feature extraction, machine learning basics, key machine learning and image analysis methods based on both unsupervised and supervised learning, and visualization. From Linear Discriminant Analysis to Deep Learning.
  • Five full days of interactive, hands-on lectures and exercises. 
  • 4 ECTS
  • The course is a "generic" PhD course. For participants not from the Faculty of SCIENCE, UCPH, there is a participation fee of 4800 kr. 
  • Dates: May 13 to May 17, 2024, 
  • Location: TBD. 
  • Registration (mandatory) and more info: in the SCIENCE PhD course base
  • For questions: Erik Dam (





  • The course enables the student to identify basic statistical problems in the natural sciences and to carry out the appropriate statistical analysis. The open-source program R is used for the computations.
  • Teaching on 5 full days within two consecutive weeks: October 30 + 31 and November 6 +7 + 8.
  • 2.5 ECTS.
  • Price for participants who are not from the SCIENCE faculty at UCPH: 3000 DKK (excl. moms).
  • Maximum number of participants: 50
  • Registration: Course description and registration form from the PhD course database.
  • For more info write to Bo Markussen (



  • Data Science Projects is a project course where the PhD students work with their own data using statistical and/or machine learning methods. The focus can be hypothesis testing, classification, regression, segmentation, quantification, explanation, etc.
  • After a few plenum sessions, the projects run as individual supervision of each participant over 2 approximately months. The participants  write an article style report. It is mandatory that the participant has a suitable dataset for the project. 
  • Topics, methods, and tools: As appropriate for the data, the research question, and the student qualifications. 
  • Prerequisites for participation is SmS, MLS or a similar course on applied statistics and/or machine learning.
  • 4 ECTS
  • Participants: Max 20
  • The course is an updated and merged version of two previous courses, one with a focus on statistics and another focusing on machine learning. The course is given twice per year (following the SmS and MLS courses, see above) starting in February and September, respectively.
  • The last previous course was February 6, 2024. Registration from the PhD course database is available here.
  • The next course will run from September 3 to November 4, 2024. Details will be announced shortly. 
  • Price for participants who are not from the SCIENCE faculty at UCPH: 4800 DKK (excl. moms).
  • For questions regarding the February version: Bo Markussen (
  • For questions regarding the November version: Erik Dam (


Three-stage set-up

The Data Science Lab offers workshops/courses in our two focus areas: dedicated Statistics and broader Data/Computer Science. Within each of the areas we offer a triple of workshops/courses. First, a workshop introducing computer programs for data handling and data analyses for students and researchers. Secondly, we have a PhD methods course that presents key concepts and methodologies. Finally, we have a projects PhD course where the PhD students perform supervised research on the own data using the tools and methods from the previous workshops/courses. 

Particularly for a PhD student,  this could be a three-stage rocket that facilitates cross-disciplinary Data Science research, ideally delivering a research paper at the end of the projects course. 

Smaller tailor-made workshops

  • If you are a group of researchers/PhD students who often encounter the same type of problems, then it is also possible to arrange a smaller tailor-made workshop. Contact us and let's talk about the possibilities.